Wednesday, May 21, 2008

No, Zhar.

You can't have a ride in the boat.

...Because the corpses are using it right now, OK?


I swear, sometimes being a warlock is like babysitting.


Anonymous said...


Calindrava said...

It's bad enough when the imp giggles like a five-year-old. Imps are supposed to act like brats. But when the voidwalker jumps into a beached boat and starts making 'voom voom whee' noises, that's when I start to really wonder.

Khol Drake said...

Just wait'll you see some of the things the succubus gets up to...

Anonymous said...

I like your blogs, I'm tempted to start something as such with that gimp little paladin that showed up in my account today

and if you think the succubus is bad.... my felpuppy likes to sniff and chew things =(